March 3, 2015, 9:27 am
吴孟达已立遗嘱 戒一日3包烟保命
March 3, 2015, 9:27 am
March 3, 2015, 9:26 am





March 3, 2015, 9:25 am
March 3, 2015, 9:19 am
March 2, 2015, 11:26 am
February 21, 2015, 1:32 pm
February 21, 2015, 1:31 pm
February 18, 2015, 7:04 pm
Importance of writing a Will.

If you passed on without a valid Will, this will happen to …….

- Your family
Your spouse and children will have cash flow problems as your assets will be FROZEN. Your children’s welfare may not be taken care of by the right person.

- Your assets will be distributed according to the Distribution Act 1958 (As amended in 1997)

- Your partners, stepchildren or aged relatives
Certain “special” people (like cohabiting partner, stepchildren or a relative who brought you up) are not recognized as beneficiaries under the Distribution Act 1958. As such, the interests of this “special” people are not protected.

- Letters of administration (LA) are required
To begin applying for Letters of Administration in the High Court , all lawful beneficiaries under Distribution Act 1958 (amended in 1997) gives written consent to appoint an administrator. The administrator who is chosen may not be the person of your choice. If there are beneficiaries who are minors, then, two administrators have to be appointed before the court issues the LA.

- COSTLY DELAY in the administration of your estate
There may be difficulties to choose an administrator because

(i) of the lawful beneficiaries afraid that by signing Letter of Renunciation of Administratorship, the beneficiary is giving up his/her share in the inheritance.

(ii) issue of trust and competence between lawful beneficiaries to choose Administrator(s), leading to the prospect of a long legal disputes. An administration bond must be provided by two sureties (guarantors) who each must have a net worth equivalent to the gross value of your estate when an administrator applies for letters of administration. Do you want to put your spouse and children through the difficult of finding 2 persons to be sureties for the LA?


If you passed on with a valid Will ……

- You provide for your beneficiaries IN THE WAY YOU CHOOSE rather than letting the laws decide.

- You EXERCISE THE RIGHT to appoint people of YOUR CHOICE to administer your estate and carry out your wishes, safeguarding the interest of those you love and care.

- You appoint guardian(s) of YOUR CHOICE for your infant children in the event of your spouse predeceasing you or if both of you were to pass on. The guardian(s) will have custody of the children and will be responsible for their support, health and education.

- NO SURETIES are required for Grant of Probate (GP).

- It costs LESS in term of legal fees and TIME to apply for a Grant of Probate (GA) than Letter of Administration (LA).

- You would AVOID family dispute.

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February 18, 2015, 7:00 pm
Why Most People Do Not Have A Will?

(1) Ignorance

Many people are unsure of the function of the Will and the importance of having one to protect the future of their loved ones.

(2) Procrastination

“I’ll do it tomorrow, lah. I am not going to die yet.” One is never too young; it can only be too late. Just like insurance, you are never too young to buy insurance to cover yourself, so why wait for writing your Will.

Don’t waste time. Life can end any time, and if you write a Will today, then you have fewer worries tomorrow. In addition, one requirement for writing a Will is – mental/sound mind. If procrastinate too long, we may not be able to do so any more. Like insurance, above certain age cannot buy any more.

(3) Superstition Belief

“Touch wood! I’m not dying yet!” Writing a Will has nothing to do with death. It is about planning the distribution of your wealth and protection of your loved ones after you have died. There are many benefits of having a Will.

In Hong Kong, which is the one most superstitious society, many have written their Will, about 20% of the eligible population. There, a Will is called ‘a peace book’ which gives the person peace of mind when it is written, not having to worry about how his properties will be distributed and when his loved one to get it.

(4) Misconception that it is expensive

Writing a Will is not expensive compared to purchasing an insurance policy where you pay monthly premiums and where you purchase a house with a huge stamp duty fee payable. The Will will ensure that all your assets be distributed in the manner you wish.

(5) It is for the ‘Rich Man’ only

“Only rich people need to write a Will”. As long as you have possessions, assets, anything you want to pass on, then you need to ensure that the right people receive what you feel they deserve.

Otherwise, the law makes decision, which may not subscribe to your wishes and lead to long legal process of distributing the assets. A Will unlock your personal belongings and assets quickly, thus lessening the burden on your family.

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February 18, 2015, 5:18 pm
Why draw up a Will?

1. Completing your Financial Planning Picture

By writing your Will, you have completed your financial planning picture because you have covered yourself with insurance and created wealth (business) and accumulated wealth (investment/unit trust).

2. Unlock Frozen Assets in a Shorter Period

Most people will have dependants (parents, spouse, children and so on) who may be dependent on money that they provide. It may cause great difficulties for them if the flows of money stop suddenly. It is important, therefore, that instructions are left in the Will so that the money is made accessible to the right people in the quickest period possible.

3. No Limitations

A well-worded comprehensive Will written today will not become invalid should your assets and estate grow in the future. So, your future assets can be protected by your Will.

4. Peace of Mind

If you write your Will, you can enjoy peace of mind in thought because you have made proper arrangements for the distribution of your assets to your beneficiaries, most important, you are still in control of your assets.

5. Cheaper to Write a Will

Will-writing is considered the cheapest among all the financial services. For the one-time fee that is paid, it will last as long as you do not revoke or rewrite it. Even if you decide to rewrite a Will later, the cost is minimal compare with benefits and protection you enjoy.

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February 18, 2015, 5:17 pm
February 18, 2015, 5:13 pm
What is a Will?

A Will is a declaration by a testator (the person who make the Will), in prescribed form of the intention of the person making it of the matters which he or she wishes to take effect upon his or her death, until which time it is revocable. In short, it is a person’s last instructions.
February 18, 2015, 5:09 pm
We all do our best to prepare for the future. From purchasing insurance policies that protect our assets and health to investing for our retirement we routinely make decisions that will affect our future. But what about making sure your family is provided for in the event of your death? Few of us like to think about our end of days, but it is important to have your affairs in order to ensure that your loved ones are cared for and your assets are distributed and maintained in the way that you intend.

A Will is a legal document that allows you to name a guardian for your child and specify who will inherit your property after you die. Without a Will, you will have no say in what happens to your property. OSS Planning & Services should be able to advise you in all of your estate planning needs with the foresight and the precision writing a will demands.
February 18, 2015, 4:58 pm
You are never expecting what will happen next second but OSS Planning & Services can help you secure the future. Our office provide retail professional Will-writing and Will custody services. With a valid will, your last instructions and wishes will be clearly and professionally defined to ensure your loved ones receive the best of you. It is affordable while being legally binding with the ability to appoint the executor of your choice to manage and distribute your assets.

In OSS Planning & Services we draw from our experience to avoid practical problems that may be encountered future in estate administration, such as getting the right asset details.

Contact us now for a meeting and find out all about our Will writing advice and services. We strive to achieve higher production level to fulfill customer’s satisfaction. We promise will deliver the best quality of services with fair prices.
February 18, 2015, 4:57 pm
February 18, 2015, 4:53 pm
February 18, 2015, 4:51 pm






February 11, 2015, 11:20 am